My Fickle Friend — March
March came in like a lion in north Idaho. Our overnight temperatures dipped into the single digits, and windchill forced minus figures. As I write, it’s a balmy 16 degrees with blizzard-like conditions blowing outside the window. You know it’s cold when the chicken-girls won’t leave the coop (and who could blame them?)
A friend sent me the “funny” of gardening in the snow — and it’s not all that ridiculous to me. I’ll admit, I have shoveled snow off the garden in years past. You gotta do, what ya gotta do to get the job done! It looks all to familiar and typifies March. Winter one day, spring the next.
The late snow does provide a nice insulating layer for all those tulips that are just starting to poke out of the ground–they know spring is on the verge. Some things can’t be stopped. In like a lion…out like a lamb…my fickle friend, March.

Variegated Cat Grass lends a bit of green to the otherwise white background of the snow covered patio. The cats haven’t discovered this…yet.
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