Dust of Snow
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
— By Robert Frost
January is one of my favorite months for gardening. While the snow covers the frozen ground, I delight in planning the coming garden season. Seed catalogs become dog-eared and lists are made of old favorites and new varieties to be planted. Seed inventory is taken (yes, you can use last year’s seeds, if they’ve been keep dry and in a cool place) and more lists are made.
While the snow comes down, spinach, kale, cress and carrots are snug in the tunneled beds. When the days become a little longer and the sun shines just a bit more, these sleepy plants will begin to stir and by late February, we’ll be harvesting fresh greens and baby carrots.
The pace is a bit slower in winter, but the dreaming and planning are full-speed ahead.
Wishing you the very best in the New Year and in your 2013 garden!
Hi, how are your chickens holding up? How is the waterer doing for you? I hope it is making your life easier this winter!
Hi Ashleigh, The heated water bucket is holding up great and so are our girls! We decided to keep a smaller water bottle in the coop, but the girls do drink from the bucket and it is really nice not having to deal with frozen water!